In the dynamic world of marketing and SEO, the success of a company can largely depend on effective strategic partnerships. A notable success story is the collaboration between Dportenis and puntorojo, which achieved outstanding results through a comprehensive marketing and SEO strategy. In this article, we will discuss the results they achieved, as well as the key strategies they used to drive the growth of Dportenis website.

Results of a Successful SEO Strategy

Dportenis, a renowned footwear and sports goods company in Mexico, faced a challenge when their website experienced a decrease in traffic and visibility due to migration. However, thanks to the strategies implemented, which we will explain in this article, the situation was reversed, and notable results were achieved.

In terms of organic performance, a significant improvement was observed compared to the post-migration period. There have been 1.63 million clicks and 62.5 million impressions in 16 months, indicating a considerable increase in organic traffic and visibility.

Additionally, a comprehensive analysis of pre and post-migration metrics was conducted, allowing the identification of specific causes for the traffic decline. It was discovered that some URLs were not redirecting correctly to their new post-migration versions. This issue was effectively addressed through the implementation of self-referencing canonical tags. As a result, the decline in sessions was halted, and positive and sustained growth was initiated.

In August, the results were even more impressive compared to the same month of the previous year. There was a 52.65% increase in new users and a 67.40% increase in sessions. These data demonstrate the positive impact of the implemented strategies and the collaboration between Dportenis and Puntorojo.

The SEO Strategy that Made a Difference

Key Tactics for the Success of Dportenis and Puntorojo

Clear Objective Definition

From the beginning of the collaboration, Dportenis and Puntorojo established clear and measurable objectives. They identified areas of improvement in website performance, such as migration and traffic decline, and aimed to reverse this situation. Setting specific goals allowed them to focus on desired outcomes and create an effective action plan.

The collaboration between both teams was crucial in developing a precise and focused content strategy. They analyzed the new categories and products that Dportenis wanted to promote and created relevant content to meet the business needs. This content strategy boosted Dportenis’ visibility in search engines and attracted a wider and more qualified audience.

Reports reveal that relevant and high-quality content is one of the main drivers of SEO performance. Pages providing valuable and optimized content have a 434% higher chance of ranking high in search engines.

Technical Optimization and Canonical Tag Correction

Aware of the importance of a solid technical structure, technical optimizations were implemented on the website. One crucial aspect was addressing canonical tags to correct incorrect redirects and ensure proper indexing of pages. This measure had a positive impact on Dportenis’ traffic and visibility, allowing for sustained growth over time.

Effective Link Building Strategy

The link building strategy played a key role in Dportenis’ success. Actions were taken to obtain quality backlinks that increased the website’s authority and attracted relevant traffic. This strengthened Dportenis’ reputation and generated more interest in their products and services from the target audience.

Research shows that 53% of marketers consider link building the most challenging but also one of the most effective SEO tactics for increasing site authority and improving search engine rankings.


The success of Dportenis in its alliance with Puntorojo highlights the importance of a comprehensive marketing and SEO strategy. By implementing a focused content strategy, technical optimizations, and an effective link building strategy, outstanding results were achieved.

Industry statistics support the strategic importance of these actions. For example, pages ranking in the first position of search results have a 31.7% click-through rate, emphasizing the need for high search engine rankings. Additionally, 85% of retailers consider organic search to be the most effective tactic for customer acquisition, and 97% of consumers read reviews before making a purchase decision.

In this context, addressing crucial aspects such as canonical tags to correct incorrect redirects and ensure proper page indexing proved to be fundamental. These actions helped avoid duplicate content and improve visibility in search engines.

The focus on SEO is also justified by data such as the fact that 70-80% of search engine users ignore paid ads and focus on organic results. Furthermore, 85% of retailers consider organic search the most effective customer acquisition tactic.

If you’re in the e-commerce industry and want to reach new customers and boost your sales, SEO is a must. Don’t miss the opportunity to tap into SEO’s full potential and grow your online business.

I want to boost my results!

Posted by:Micaela Bellorio